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vogels is a b corp impact with av mounting solutions
Vogel's is a B Corp

Vogel's is a B Corp: making impact with AV mounting solutions

B Corp certification: now what?

Vogel's is officially a B Corporation, or B Corp. The B stands for 'Benefit for all'. This certificate demonstrates that we at Vogel's strive to make a positive impact within our industry for all stakeholders: employees, our community, customers and our planet.

Proud to be a B Corp

As a B Corp, we are part of a global group of companies that achieve the same high standard of social and environmental impact.

Gerdi Vogels, CEO at Vogel's: "I am extremely happy that our efforts over the past years are now being rewarded with a certificate like B Corp. It shows our commitment and the positive impact we want to make. In addition, I look forward to see the goals in which we can grow and improve even more''.

Why did Vogel's choose B Corp?

Our goal is to make a lasting impact within the AV industry with our AV solutions. B Corp aligns best to specifically map this goal within all interfaces within the company. The progressive nature of B Corp fits within our view of innovation as an A-brand. Moreover, it gives us direction to consistently work towards better results.

B Corp in short

What is B Corp? 

Vogel's is a B Corp

To become a B Corporation, we as Vogel's had to go through a certification process. Only companies with more than 80 out of a maximum of 200 points will be eligible for a B Corp certification.

We achieved these points within the so-called B Corp Impact Assessment (BIA). It looks at a company's impact on five pillars: governance, environment, employees, customers and community. 

B Corp Certified, now what?

Vogel's is a B Corp

Sustainability has been an important pillar in our company for many years. This is underlined with the B Corp certification. Impact is reassessed every three years to ensure we stay on track and deliver on our promises.

How do we make our impact?

Vogel's is a B Corp

Of course, we continue to make strides in our sustainability process. In the short term, it means understanding more about the impact of our products, for example, through Life Cycle Assessments. For our most popular products, these results can already be seen using Ecosheets. 

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