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Payment options Vogel's Webshop

We offer the following payment options:

MasterCard, VISA & AMEX

Payments by credit card are processed in a safe and secure environment by our payment service provider Mollie. During the ordering process you will be redirected to the Mollie payment environment to complete your payment.


With PayPal you can pay anywhere in the world without a card or code. Simply sign in to PayPal to pay for your order safely and quickly. During the ordering process you will be redirected to the PayPal payment environment to complete your payment.

Apple Pay

Use your iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch or Mac to quickly complete your payment with Apple Pay. Please note that the Apple Pay payment method may only appear when you use the Safari browser.


With Klarna you can pay for your order at a later time. Once you complete your order, Klarna will send you an email with payment instructions to pay for your order within 14 days. Please note that an adjusted return period applies for orders placed with Klarna: 14 days instead of 30 days.


Paysafecard is a prepaid payment card. You can use your prepaid credit to pay for your order.