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high rise video wall new porsche centre
Porsche case study | Vogel's

High-rise video wall for new Porsche Centre

New universal dvLED Connect-it system for 2 video walls

With a move to larger premises comes new signage. The new Porsche Centre in Oisterwijk will be enriched with 2 video walls and about 25 (interactive) separate displays throughout the venue.

The new location of Porsche dealer Oisterwijk will have multiple functions. Besides an impressive showroom, the premises include a workshop and space for treatment for car paint protection and damage repair. Visitors to the Porsche Centre are welcomed with an impressive video wall above the entrance and in the entrance area.

The challenge

Casestudy | Vogel's

  • The new Porsche Centre was built from scratch. The building is to feature several separate displays in office, meeting and customer areas. There will also be two dvLED video walls at the entrance.

  • The dimensions of the two dvLED video walls are almost identical but are built with different dvLED panels, which means the mounting points are different for the two dvLED video walls.

  • Given the planned opening date, quick installation is desirable.

  • One video wall is mounted in a niche and one at high level.

  • This was First Impression's first installation of the dvLED Connect-it system

The solution

Casestudy | Vogel's

  • Thanks to the technical drawings from Vogel's Automated Videowall Engineer, on-site installation went smoothly.

  • Thanks to Vogel's universal system, the system can be installed with the same product type despite the dvLED video wall being built with different dvLED panels.

  • Vogel's extension pieces eliminate the need for on-site cutting.

  • A standard 16:9 size for content will be implemented for both video walls.

  • The high-level video wall will have a pixel pitch of 1.9mm and the screen where people stand closer will have a 1.2mm pixel pitch.

  • Absen's dvLED screens can be serviced from the front.

The outcome

Casestudy | Vogel's

  • Within a single day, both mounting solutions for the video walls were attached, with the dvLED screens seamlessly connecting and creating the illusion of one screen.

  • All 25 separate displays throughout the building are suspended with Vogel's wall mount supports. Including one with pop-out function for easy servicing.

  • Vogel's Engineering Support team offered on-site installation guidance.

Contact me for any information

Kees Jan van Stuyvenberg | Vogel's Professional Benelux
Kees Jan van Stuyvenberg
Commercial Manager - Vogel's Professional Benelux

About this mounting systeem

For this project, Vogel's versatile LED mount was used to mount different sizes of LED panels. Both video walls are assembled using Vogel's Connect-it components:

  • For the recessed high-level video wall, the 3300mm interface bars (PLB 3133) and extension pieces (250-450mm) (PLA 9303) were used.

  • For the other video wall, the 2000mm (PLB 3120) and 2700mm (PLB 3127) were used in combination with a bar coupler (PLA 9304)

  • The interface bars are wall-mounted with the 3D adjustable wall bracket (PLA 9302). The panels are hung in the interface bars using the universal mounting bolts (PLA 9305).

Porsche Centre Oisterwijk

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Project coordination

Installers: First Impression x Vogel’s

LED supplier: Absen

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Video wall case studies